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Gay & Lesbian Medical association (GLMA) directory

GLMA's mission is to ensure equality in healthcare for LGBTQ individuals and healthcare professionals. GLMA achieves its goals by using the health and medical expertise of its members in professional education, public policy work, patient education and referrals, and the promotion of research.


World Professional Association for Transgender Health (wpath) directory

WPATH’s mission is to promote evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy, and respect in transgender health. Vision: We envision a world wherein people of all gender identities and gender expressions have access to evidence-based healthcare, social services, justice and equality.


Trans in the South

Directory of medical and mental health providers in the South compiled by the Campaign for Southern Equality. The Campaign for Southern Equality is working to build a South where LGBTQ people are equal in every part of life. A South where your zipcode doesn’t determine your rights. Where all of us are free to be who we truly are and love who we truly love.


RAD Remedy

RAD Remedy's mission is to connect trans, gender non-conforming, intersex, and queer folks to accurate, safe, respectful, and comprehensive care in order to improve individual and community health.


OutCare directory

OutCare Health is a non-profit organization with the purpose of providing extensive information and education on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) healthcare. 


My Trans Health directory

MyTransHealth’s mission is to ensure that all trans and gender nonconforming people receive culturally competent service.


Psychology Today directory

International directory of mental health professionals in which you are able to filter by specialty to view those with expertise in transgender care.


Trans HealthCare SRS Surgeon Directory

TransHealthCare is a website that helps transgender individuals find surgeons who offer transgender surgery procedures. Online since 2011, TransHealthCare has helped thousands of people from around the world find a qualified, trans-friendly provider, and save money on surgical expenses.


GALAP (Gender Affirming Letter Access Project)

Directory of mental health providers committed to improving access to letters of support for gender affirming care like hormones and surgery.